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anabela Žigová


School of Visual Arts, NYC – Luis Vuitton Moet Hennesy Exchange Film and Video Grant 2001.

MFA in Multi-media Arts, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, France 2002.

MFA VŠMU - Academy of Music and Drama, Bratislava, Slovak Republic 1998.


Academic Positions

2013 - 2014 Curatorial work for online political philosophy website. Program for Constitutional Government, Harvard University.

2007-2008 Visiting Scholar, Sociology Department, John Jay College of Criminal Justice/ CUNY.

1999-2000 Ateliers Multisites, Post Graduate Artist Fellowship, Ecole Superiéure des Beaux-Arts de Marseille, France.



2013 Films. Work presentation at Meetfactory. Prague, Czech Republic.

2012 NYU Screening: Film Salto Mortale, work in progress. On Confronting the Communist past, the “legacy of silence” and young Slovaks. The Workshop on Gender and Transformation in Europe. New York University Center of European and Mediterranean Studies.

2009 Rebellious attitudes toward sado-masochism and filmmaker’s dilemma. Colloquium Series, Sociology Department Colloquium Series, John Jay College of Criminal Justice/ CUNY.

2009 Film Practice of Anabela Zigova in New York. Lectures at the Academy of Arts, Banska Bystrica and AFAD Bratislava, Slovakia.

2007 Short Film and the Project of Transgression. On The Edge: Transgression and The Dangerous Other conference. CUNY Graduate Center.

2007 Anabela Zigova: Introduction to the Artist’s Practice. Artist in Residency Program. O’artoteca, Milan, Italy.



2016 - 2014 Contributing Newsletter from New York for týždeň.sk Bratislava, Slovakia. 2015. Ping - Pong. Series of emails, texts, collaborations with writer M. Modrovich. Published in Vlna Arts Revue. Bratislava, Slovakia.

2012 Have you a family member who was in ŠtB? How we work on film: extracts from work in progress documentary "Salto Mortale." Essay. Published by Vlna Art Revue. Bratislava.

2009 No Films Scenarios – Czechoslovakia 1948-2009 – Torture and Absence of Film Testimony. In Screening Torture edited by Michael Flynn and Fabiola Fernandez - Salek, Columbia University Press, (concept).

2006 Redundancy. ETC Series at Andrew Krepps Gallery, published by Matt Keegan, NYC.


Feature Film

2009 - 2012 Today Inside Out (work in progress and script)

Feature Script Workshop at The Philadelphia International Film Festival 2009.


Project was presented as a work in progress at LeRoy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, NYC.

2005 Scenes from the Script Workshop. Video recorded feature film script workshop, Projectile Arts, Brooklyn, NYC.


Documentary Feature Film

2016 Film Festival Parevo. Prague. 2016 Pruvan. ČTArt. Prague.

2015 Film Salto Mortale opened in Czech Republic at Human Rights project Mene Tekel, and screened at Institut Hongrois in Paris.

2015     Film Salto Mortale in pre-selection for Foreign Academy Award for Slovak Republic.

2014 Salto Mortale. Film opened theatrically in Bratislava in distribution of Film Europe, and in conjunction with Film Festival One World. Bratislava, Slovakia.


Short Films / Film Festivals Participation

2012 Grand Street Special. Solo Show at Soapbox Gallery. Brooklyn, NYC. and International festival of experimental film and digital arts, Bratislava.

2008 VZDOR* Opened at Nuit Blanche, Paris, France. Showed at Film Festivals Cinematik and Azyl, Slovakia, Film Festival Three and JJAY CUNY, NYC.

2004 Melancholia Says: Follow Me. Opened at group show Terrorvision at Exit Art Gallery, showed at Lausanne Underground Film Festival, Switzerland, Philafilm 2007 - Silver Award in Short Film Category.

2003 Forever. Official Selection Tribeca Film Festival 2004. Best Editing Prize at CHWF Festival, NYC.

2001 IntaktGame. Produced in New York. Opened at MFA Diploma Show, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France.



Ciel M. (2014) Pokus o dekonšpiráciu. Bratislava

Jakalova Z. (2014) Life is The Praxis. Flashart. Czech and Slovak edition. Botella B. (2013) Anabela Zigova. Flashart. Czech and Slovak edition. Modrovich M. (2013) Lievance v Brooklyne. SME, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Pribisova L. (2011) Why do I keep reading same books. Flashart. Czech and Slovak edition.

Gavulova L. (2009) About Anabela Zigova’s latest Film Work. Flashart. Czech and Slovak edition.

Hayward, K. (2007) Melancholia says: Follow me. - University of Kent, UK.

Gavulova L. (2007) Excursion into the Film Work of Anabela Zigova. Vlna magazine, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Rusnakova K. (2006)         Theory and History of Multimedia Arts in Slovakia. AFAD Press, Slovakia.

Rusnakova K. (2006) Transcultural films of Anabela Zigova. Profil, Bratislava, Slovakia. Serighelli S. (2005) Notes from the City, Notes from the Land. Catalogue of exhibition, Columbia University, NYC.

Altman, S. (2005) Exile. Gallery Open, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Jancek V. (2002) Cinderella in Paris. Vlna magazine. Bratislava, Slovakia.


Doneson, A. D. (2001) Cliché. Conference at CID, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France.

Gerzova J. (1999) Dictionary of International and Slovak Art of Second Half of 20th Century. Profil, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Rusinova Z. (1998) Limitlos. Catalogue of Exhibition, Dresden, Germany.

Hlavajova A. (1994) Marginalia. Catalogue of Exhibition, Soros Center for Contemporary Arts, Slovakia.


Solo Shows

2013 On Privacy (Salto Mortale). Solo show. AMT GAllery, Bratislava. 2012 Grand Street Special. Solo Show. Soapbox Gallery. Brooklyn, NYC. 2010      Salto Mortale. Event at Raum D, Museums Quarter, Vienna. 2010    Vzdor. Gallery HIT, Bratislava.

2006 Scenes from The Script Workshop à Brooklyn. Gallery Beauty Room, Paris, France. 2001 Cliché. Performance at Garbage Dump Argenteuil and CID-ENSBA,

and Conference/Video Projection, Paris, France. 2000 Pump. Gallery Cité des Arts. Paris, France.

2000 Reflets/Facing. Galerie Gauche, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux - Arts. Paris, France.

1994 Exposition Ephemere no.3. Installation at Gallery Havlickova 20, Bratislava, Slovakia.


Selected Group Shows

2013 Živé / Privé (Life Prototypes.) 2 Artists show at Kabinet Showroom. Bratislava. 2011 Why do I keep reading same books. AMT Gallery. Bratislava.

2011 Nulte roky. Group show at Kunsthalle Bratislava and Berlin.

2011 Open Studios, 610 Dean Street, Brooklyn. Within Atlantic Arts Walk, Brooklyn, New York.

2008 White Nave. Denver, UK.

2007 Lovebox. Nuit Blanche, Project at Lunchbox Gallery. Paris, France. 2007 L’humidite. Gallery O’artoteca. Milan, Italy.

2006 Notes from The City, Notes from The Land. LeRoy Neiman Gallery at Columbia University, New York.

2006 Autopoesis (Catalogue.) Slovak National Gallery. Bratislava, Slovakia. 2005 Studio Visit. Exit Art Gallery, NYC.

2005 Video Series 2005. Goliath Visual Space. Brooklyn, NY. 2005 Exile (Catalogue.) Gallery Open. Bratislava, Slovakia. 2004 Terrorvision. Exit Art Gallery, NYC.

2000 Parni Valec. Performance and Group Show. MXM Gallery. Prague, Czech Republic. 2000 Back to Museum/Back to Stars (Catalogue.) Slovak National Gallery. Bratislava, Slovakia.

1998 Slovak Art For Free (Catalogue.) Tattoo saloon Collaboration, Slovak Pavillion, Venice Biennale. Venice, Italy.

1998 Limitlos (Catalogue.) Dresden Kunsthalle. Dresden, Germany.

1997 Flaschenpost (Catalogue.) Intermedialen Symposium. Schrattenberg, Austria. 1995 Pars pro toto (Catalogue.) Slovak National Gallery. Bratislava, Slovakia.

1994 Marginalia (Catalogue.) Soros Center for Contemporary Arts. Zilina, Slovakia.




2013 Sleepy Psychoanalyst. With: Peter Tilajčík. Showroom Kabinet. Bratislava, Slovakia. 2002 Hot-Hot. Paris Project Room. Paris, France.

2000 Restitution/Opportunity. Ecole Superieure des Beaux-Arts and St. Germain des Pres. Paris, France.

2000 Cliché. Garbage dump Argenteuil, Paris, France.

2000 Verte E120, E131. Parc Buttes Chaumot. Paris, France. 2000 Promenade. Subway Station Chatelet. Paris, France. 2000 Le Bout/A Piece. Streets of Paris, France.

1999 Parallele. Edge of La Seine River. Ile St. Luis, Paris, France.

1999 A-B. Collaboration with Bruno Botella. Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts. Paris, France.

1998 Programme. Edge of the building of Casserne pour Passageres. Avignon, France. 1998 Simulation/Entrée. During Art Opening of Casserne pour Passageres. Avignon, France.

1997 Indifference. Streets of Bratislava, Slovakia.

1997 Paradox Position. Gallery of C. Majernik, performance featured in feminist magazine Aspekt. Bratislava, Slovakia.

1997 Standing Up. Transart Communication Festival, Nove Zamky, Slovakia, performance featured in feminist magazine Aspekt and Novy Cas newspaper. Bratislava, Slovakia.


Media Projects and Collaborations

2017 - 2016 FILMLAB collaborative film discussion platform at Contemporary Arts Center DOX, Prague.

2013 Rabinka / Holokaust Stage Reading. Slovak Theatre Institute, with support of Harvestworks Digital Media Center. APAP event at Bohemian National Hall, New York. 2010 Slovak Film Day. Institute of Documentary Film. Jihlava, Czech Republic.

2010 Rainbow Pride. T-Shirt Design. First Gay pride in Bratislava, Slovakia. 2007 Local Operations. Serpentine Gallery. London, UK.

2006 Node. Event series. London, UK.

2005 Making Room for Redundancy. Basekamp event for ETC Series at Andrew Krepps Gallery. New York.

2005 Blue. Artist video for choreography by Leah Kreutzer – LKBD company at Clarkson Dance Studio. Lincoln Center, NYC

2003 Chosen by A. Kreutz and L. Skou, Whitney Independent Study Program. New York. 1997 Freja. Woman’s Theatre Festival. Aarhus, Denmark.


Awards and Honors

2005 Silver Award in Short Film Subject. Philafilm

2004 Best Editing Prize. Chicks with Flicks Film Festival. New York.



2017 Private Funding from B. Boudreaux for an Online Event on the Presidency, KINOLAB DOX, Prague.

2016 Creative Development Grant from Arts Fund. Bratislava, Slovakia.

2013 Grant from Ministry of Culture for project Salto Mortale. Bratislava, Slovakia. 2013 Grant from Ministry of Culture for show Life Prototypes. Bratislava, Slovakia. 2012 Foundation Intenda. Finishing Funds Grant for Salto Mortale. Bratislava. 2011 Production Grant from Slovak Audiovisual Fund, Bratislava.


In co-production with Nation's Memory Institute. Bratislava, Slovakia. 2010 Erste, Tranzit. Grant for MQ21 residency. Wien.

2010 Grant from NCSU for Salto Mortale project. Bratislava, Slovakia. 2010 Production Grant from Kollektiv. Bratislava, Slovakia.

2009 2% for Culture, Slovak Cultural Initiative Grant (several donors.) Slovakia.

2008 Script Development Grant from Academy Award winning Executive Producer. New York.

2007 Artist’s mobility grant, Pro Slovakia. Bratislava, Slovakia. 2007 Artist in Residence grant, O’artoteca, Milan, Italy.

2007 Artist in Residence – support grant. Slovak Institute, Rome.

2007 Pro Slovakia grant in support of at O’artoteca Residency in Milan, Italy.

2005 Film Development Grant from Program Audio-Vision of Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic, supported by Film Production Company Artreal. Bratislava, Slovakia.

2004 Film Script Development Grant from Foundation Lightning New Media. New York. 2004 Grant from Foundation Center of Contemporary Arts. Bratislava, Slovakia. 2002 Film production grant from Communication Workshop. New York.

2000 Foundation Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton, New York Study Grant. Paris, France. 2000 Matching Grant from Communication Workshop in New York and Soros Foundation for Contemporary Arts. Bratislava, Slovakia.

1999 Studies Grant, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts. Paris, France.

1998 Ateliers Multisites. Artist’s Grant for Ecole Superieure des Beaux-Arts. Marseille, France.



2015 VARP Residency. Meetfactory. Prague, Czech Republic. 2013 Meetfactory. Prague, Czech Republic.

2010 Quartier21, MuseumsQuarter. Vienna, Austria. 2009 BRIC Arts / Rotunda Gallery. Brooklyn, New York. 2007 O’artoteca. Milan, Italy.

2004 Berlinale Talent Campus at Berlin Film Festival. Germany. 2000-1999 Cite des Arts. Paris, France.

1998 Stifftung Schloss Solitude. Stuttgart, Germany. 1997 Hotel Pupik. Schrattenberg, Austria.

© 2024 by Adam Jajcay

Baštová 1, 811 03 Bratislava, Slovakia

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